Oxygen Not Included Wiki
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.
This article has not been revised for the current version (U51-600112). It was last updated for AP-398142. It may contain inaccuracies.

Consumable Ore is a type of Resource.

Name Description
Bleach Stone Bleach Stone Can be used to kill Germs. Required by Waterweed domestic growth.
Coal Coal Can be used in Power production and medicine. Can be refined processed into Refined Carbon for Steel production.
Lime Lime Used in Steel production.
Oxylite Oxylite Emits Oxygen when exposed. Can also be used in a Solid Oxidizer Tank and Solid Fuel Thruster for Rockets.
Phosphorus Phosphorus Serves as food and bait for morphs of Shine Bugs.
Refined Carbon Refined Carbon Used in Steel production.
Solid Methane Solid Methane Solid state of Natural Gas. Can be heated into Natural Gas for power production.
Rust Rust Used in Oxygen production.
Salt Salt Can be used in Oxygen production or refined into Table Salt to increase Morale.